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using namespace std;

int main() {

int nums[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

cout << "Element " << i << ": " << nums[i] << endl;


return 0;







struct Node {

int data;

Node next;


void printList(Node head) {

Node current = head;

while(current != nullptr) {

cout << current->data << " ";

current = current->next;


cout << endl;


int main() {

Node head = new Node{1, nullptr};

head->next = new Node{2, nullptr};

head->next->next = new Node{3, nullptr};


return 0;





struct Node {

int data;

Node next;


void createLoop(Node head) {

Node end = head;

while(end->next != nullptr) {

end = end->next;


end->next = head; // 创建循环链表





include // 包含输入输出流的库

include // 包含栈的库

int main() {

std::stack myStack; // 创建一个整数类型的栈

myStack.push(1); // 向栈中压入元素



std::cout << "Stack: "; // 输出栈的内容

while (!myStack.empty()) { // 当栈不为空时循环输出栈顶元素并弹出

std::cout << myStack.top() << " ";



std::cout << std::endl; // 输出换行符以结束程序输出内容的第一部分

// 以下为队列操作的代码部分...(与栈类似)省略了以保留篇幅空间








include // For sorting the edges

using namespace std;

struct Edge {

int src, dest, weight; // Represents an edge in the graph


class Graph {


int V; // Number of vertices in the graph

vector> adj; // Adjacent matrix for edges

vector MST; // To store the edges of the Minimum Spanning Tree

void printMST(); // Prints the MST

void KruskalMST(); // Finds the MST using Kruskal's algorithm

bool compare(const Edge& e1, const Edge& e2); // Helper function for sorting edges by weight


Graph(int V); // Constructor to initialize the graph

void addEdge(int u, int v, int w); // Adds an edge to the graph

void MST(); // Finds and prints the MST of the graph


Graph::Graph(int V) { // Constructor to initialize vertices and adjacency matrix

this->V = V;

adj.resize(V); // Initialize adjacency matrix with size V x V to hold edges


void Graph::addEdge(int u, int v, int w) { // Adds an edge to the graph's adjacency matrix

Edge edge = {u, v, w}; // Create an edge object with source, destination and weight

adj[u].push_back(edge); // Add this edge to the adjacency list of vertex u


void Graph::MST() { // Finds and prints the Minimum Spanning Tree of the graph

KruskalMST(); // Find the MST using Kruskal's algorithm and store it in MST vector

printMST(); // Print the MST to console output


void Graph::KruskalMST() { // Implementation of Kruskal's algorithm to find the MST

vector> sortedEdges; // Store edges with their indices for sorting by weight

for (int i = 0; i < V; ++i) { // Add all edges with their indices to a vector for sorting

for (auto& edge : adj[i]) {

sortedEdges.emplace_back(make_pair(edge, i));



sort(sortedEdges.begin(), sortedEdges.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.first.weight < b.first.weight; }); // Sort edges by weight in ascending order

vector parent(V); // Initialize parent array to track MST components

for (int i = 0; i < V; ++i) parent[i] = true; // Initialize all vertices as components of their own

int eCount = 0; // Counter for number of edges added to MST so far

for (auto& edgePair : sortedEdges) { // Iterate over sorted edges

auto& edge = edgePair.first; // Extract the actual edge object from the pair

if (find(parent.begin(), parent.end(), edgePair.second) != parent.end()) continue; // Skip if already connected to MST

MST.push_back(edge); // Add this edge to the MST

parent[find(parent.begin(), parent.end(), edgePair.second)] = find(parent.begin(), parent.end(), edgePair.second); // Union operation to find new parent component

eCount++; // Increment count of added edges

if (eCount == V - 1) break; // If we have added enough edges to form a spanning tree, break out of loop



void Graph::printMST() { // Prints the Minimum Spanning Tree to console output

cout << "Edges of Minimum Spanning Tree are:";

for (const auto& edge : MST) {

cout << edge.src << " -- " << edge.dest << " = " << edge.weight << endl;



bool Graph::compare(const Edge& e1, const Edge& e2) { return e1.weight < e2.weight; } // Helper function for sorting edges by weight in ascending order

int main() { // Main function that demonstrates use of Graph class with sample data set

Graph g(5); // Create a graph with 5 vertices for demonstration purposes

g.addEdge(0, 1, 10); g.addEdge(0, 4, 5); g.addEdge(1, 2, 3); g.addEdge(1, 4, 2); g.addEdge(2, 3, 7); g.addEdge(3, 4, 9); // Add sample edges to demonstrate Kruskal's algorithm on this graph structure g.MST(); // Find and print the Minimum Spanning Tree of this graph return 0; } ```



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